Our field

The Land

The village of Mediestu is in the plateau region heading west toward Hungary. The weather can be very different from one week in the mountains (cooler temperatures in the mornings and evenings) vs. the hot and humid area of Mediestu.


The People

The majority of the Romanian population consider themselves Orthodox, while the second-largest religion is Catholic. The people have a knowledge of God and Jesus but have little understanding of the Bible’s truth and the good news of what Jesus Christ has done for them.

Romanian is the Latin-based language spoken in Romania, but many of the boys and girls are taught English in their school system and enjoy talking to Americans using English. Romanian people also love to hear Americans attempt to learn and speak their language and are appreciative of the effort team members make to learn songs in Romanian as well as some simple presentation lines.


The Missions Work

We will work with the gypsy churches near Satu Mare, helping to extend the growth of the ministry of Brent and Sara George. Because of the people’s education deficiencies (most cannot read or write), teaching is a very slow, patient process. But it is exciting to return each year and see growth in many of the Christians’ lives. The missionaries realize that the gypsies must learn to read and write before they can grow spiritually and read the Bible for themselves.

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